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Top Tips For Effective Marketing On TikTok


The short-form video app has taken the internet by storm, with over a billion active users worldwide. And that's a lot of potential customers! But how do you market on TikTok? Here are 3 tips to get you started.

Create organic videos

Logging into the TikTok App and clicking the "plus" symbol, as seen in the image below, is the easiest way to make videos. Creating consistent organic content is a super powerful way to grow your brand awareness.

It doesn't have to be highly polished video adverts, it can be something as simple as a walk-through of your office. 

You can also utilise effects that use augmented reality technology. With these filters, you can change your appearance or make it seem as though you’re interacting with virtual items, adding a little extra spice to your videos. 

Including text in your videos are a good idea as videos with text are often engaged with at a higher percentage.

TikTok Marketing

Collaborate with an influencer

Because it can be among the quickest ways to produce results on a social media platform, influencer marketing is super popular. It can be challenging to sort through influencers, and it can be challenging to determine whether a particular influencer will produce positive results. 

To help with this, TikTok has developed the “TikTok creator marketplace.” here you will see all the metrics associated with an influencer. This is valuable when evaluating and making decisions that lead to a good ROI on your influencer marketing campaign.

Use TikTok ads

Just like Meta, Tiktok has an Ads management platform where you can run targeted campaigns. 

There are 4 different types of ad solutions, these are


Topview are the ads you see when you open the app, these ads capture the most user attention and are 67% higher in sales effectiveness.

In-Feed Ads 

These are the ads you see as you scroll the app, these ads are embraced like native content integrating the video content into users' "For You" feed

Branded Hashtag Challenge

The branded hashtag challenges goal is to ignite a viral challenge with your brand. Whether it's a dance or song people sing, the idea is to attach your brand to something that people take and run with. Branded Hashtag Challenges have a median engagement rate of 17.5%

Branded Effects

Creating a custom, branded sticker, filter or special effects are a great way to drive viral engagement and awareness around your campaign.

There are ways to optimise your TikTok ads and increase your chances of success even though there isn't a single "correct" way to run a TikTok marketing campaign.

Sparks ads are an interesting feature TikTok offers. With the help of the native ad format Spark Ads, you can use organic TikTok posts and their features in your advertising. 

Spark Ads use posts from genuine TikTok accounts (with their authorization), in contrast to regular In-Feed ads, ensuring that all views, comments, shares, likes, and follows gained from boosting the video during the promotion are attributed to your natural posts.

TikTok Marketing

Use the Right Hashtags For TikTok SEO

TikTok is all about discovery. The app is designed for users to scroll through an endless feed of short videos, with the option to like, comment, or share anything that catches their eye. 

But in order for users to find your videos, you need to use TikTok SEO. That simply means optimizing your content so it appears in TikTok's search results. The platform uses a variety of factors to determine which videos appear in search results, but one of the most important is hashtags.

 By including the right hashtags in your TikTok captions, you can make sure your videos are seen by the people who are most likely to be interested in them, and while there isn't a limit to the number of hashtags you can use, beware of overdoing it - too many hashtags can make your caption seem spammy.

We specialise in TikTok marketing, follow the link if you want to learn more about exactly how we can help your business grow.